How Market Research Could Land You Big Corporate Gifts

Landing significant corporate donations can be genuinely transformational for charities. Because of this, many are rightly focusing their efforts on cultivating relationships with major Canadian and international corporations to solicit these transformational partnerships. In an era of increasing corporate social responsibility, many of these corporations are eager to engage in these partnerships. They want to do their bit and to be seen to be doing their bit. As consumers increasingly care about this aspect when making purchasing decisions, it is increasingly important to their bottom line.

Before making a large investment in any cause, these corporations need to be convinced that it will be of maximum benefit to them. In effect, they want to see that there will be a return on the investment they are making in an organization.  Market research can be a useful tool for convincing corporations to invest in your organization because it can provide evidence for corporations that their investment will be a mutually beneficial one.

Large charities usually have a large population of donors that can be discreetly surveyed to determine their purchasing preferences and habits. Market research can provide charities useful information on what banks their donors prefer to use, which cars they drive, and which internet companies they prefer to deal with. It can also, importantly, look into how much companies’ specific charitable undertakings will influence their customers’ perceptions and purchasing habits.

Imagine being able to approach that big potential corporate partner with evidence about how their bank, car, or internet company is the preferred choice among your donors and that a partnership would be positively perceived and influence their purchasing habits. Or being able to approach a corporate partner with evidence that a relationship with you would increase their market share in a particular area. It would go a long way in convincing them that a partnership would be mutually beneficial.  

If you are interested in learning more about this type of research or other services that LMR Market Research offers, don’t hesitate to reach out. Send an email to

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